Additional Conditions

Testing the water in your household more than once a year may be warranted if:

  • Someone in your household is pregnant or nursing
  • There are unexplained illnesses in the family
  • Your neighbors find a dangerous contaminant in their water
  • You note a change in water taste, odor, color or clarity
  • There is a spill of chemicals or fuels into or near your well when replacing or repairing any part of your well system

Not Sure What to Screen your Water for?

Use the tool below to determine what screening you should do on your well water.

Recurring gastro-intestinal illness

Test for Coliform bacteria

Household plumbing contains lead

Test for pH, lead, copper

Corrosion of pipes, plumbing

Test for Corrosion, pH, lead

Nearby areas of intensive agriculture

Test for nitrates, pesticides, and coliform bacteria

Coal or other mining operations nearby

Test for metals, pH, and corrosion

Gas drilling operations nearby

Test for chloride, sodium, barium, and strontium

Dump, junkyard, landfill, factory, gas station, or dry-cleaning operation nearby

Test for volatile organic compounds, total dissolved solids, pH, sulfate, chloride, and heavy metals

Objectionable taste or smell

Test for hydrogen sulfide, corrosion, and heavy metals

Stained plumbing fixtures, laundry

Test for iron, copper, and manganese

Salty taste and seawater, or a heavily salted roadway nearby

Test for chloride, total dissolved solids, and sodium

Rapid wear of water treatment equipment

Test for pH and corrosion 

Water softener needed to treat hardness

Test for Manganese & Iron, Calcium & Iron, Silica

Water appears cloudy, frothy, or colored

Test for color and detergents